Sunday, July 4, 2010

How Quickly I Forget

I had a great night last night hanging out with an old friend that is in town, and I came to find out that he reads my blog.  He also informed me that another good friend of mine also reads my blog.  To be honest I thought I maybe had like 1 or 2 people that occasionally read the trash that post on here, but apparently my reach is wider than previously thought.  Virtual superstardom - I never would have guessed it.

The Dilemma of Having Smart Friends

I realize now that I need to proof read my blog before I post it, either that or go to CSCC and take English 101.  I think of myself to be a pretty smart guy, but I was always more of a math and science guy.  For example, the math that I did in college went like this - if I drink 21 beers tonight = I'll be hung over until 2:10 PM.  I practiced science less frequently, but it was often more fun... for other people.  An example of this was when I conducted an experiment of trying to mix all of these ingredients together one night: Crown Royal, Vodka, Natty Light, Rolling Rock, Red Bull, 2 McChickens, a double cheeseburger, and roughly 2 hours of swinging swaying from a back porch banister (although I only remember it being 10 minutes).  My initial hypothesis was that this was going to end well.  I'm an adult now so I can admit that I was wrong.  The out come of my experiment was hugging a very dirty frat toilet and hitting on one of my best friends girlfriends while she was trying make sure I didn't die.  Not the outcome I was hoping for, but science nonetheless.  So back to the point... I have very smart friends that like to scrutinize my grammar, spelling and all together grasp of the English language.  So, you'll probably find some errors in this post too, but my hopes with re-telling a story some of you might have lived with me was that you would be laughing hard enough to miss my errors.

Status Update

I'm a few weeks in and I've hit a bit of a plateau.  My weight hasn't dropped and I've been hovering around 200 lbs for the last 3 weeks.  I've picked out my first race that I will be doing this year - and the first of my life.  It's the Troy Classic on July 17th, which basically means that I have 1 weeks to do my last bit of building speed and power and then I'll taper the following week just before the race.  I'm pretty nervous about the whole thing since I got beat by a girl in last week's practice race, but that's all I'm going to say about that.

In other exciting life news... I got a promotion last week!  I'm going to be managing the Service Department the law firm where I currently work.  I'm very excited about being chosen from some really awesome competition, one of which is going to be my assistant manager. 

Well I think that's all for today.  Just remember when reading my blog that the only English teacher to ever give me an A was my sophomore American lit teacher who had mushrooms, fairies and unicorns sewn all over her backpack (I think she was too high to give me anything less than an A).  So thank you teacher lady who's name I never remembered, and thanks for getting me to read half of Jurassic Park.  Stay classy.